
I have had an amazing life: working in the film industry working on some of the most important films made in the last 60 years;  developing high tech entertainment and pioneering digital animation on film, and synchronized simulation; cofounding BAFTA-LA; filming for the military; consulting for the Saudi royal family;  traveling 50 countries to promote environment; learning and practicing alternative healing; lecturing; and sailing; all while being married to an amazing wife and having two great children and two grandchildren. Now we live in Spain where I am very active and frequently asked to lecture about the short environmental docudrama I just completed and my film experiences, at festivals, schools and universities. I have recently finished 3 novels, the first of which is now being published, and still often sail.  Many people have asked me to start a blog. I will talk about our current activities as well as past experiences, and try to respond to questions.


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